Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Monday, 21 April 2008

Oops... Made a card or two

Not been feeling up to making cards for a few months now, and found some Penny Black stickeroos while I was clearing up some craft stash the other day. Sooooooo.... I decided to mount them and have a play. The Stickeroos I have used here are from 'A Bunch of Love'...

Green Birthday Penny Black

Pink Birthday Penny Black

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Ordered some new stamps

Hi all.

I was directed to an online retailer who is based in the USA. He sells a wide variety of Penny Blacks (over 1500 in his collection of which is ever growing), Stampabilities, Gruffies, Great Impressions, Snoopy/Peanuts, House Mouse and many more, the link for this shop is to the left under HM Stamps.

I've ordered 5 PB stamps and a PB Acrylic set. I said I was giving up crafting due to having a baby on the way and also going back to work recently. HOWEVER, after going through all my craft kit and selling some on ebay, I realised that the stamps can be kept forever if looked after carefully and when making a stamped card, and you have idea/inspiration, dont take long to make.

Cant wait for them to arrive. I probably wont use them for a while unless I need a birthday card etc or unless I am really tempted to move all these boxes to get at my craft bits :o)

Thursday, 17 April 2008

My Cards

Good News!

It looks like I have abandoned this little place of mine these past few months.

Thought I should make a post to announce that I'm expecting a baby. A little girl (or so they tell me, looks a bit like an alien on the scan pictures haha).

Here she is at 12 weeks (will get the 20 week scan scanned and posted).

She is due 1st September... I'm very excited. Plus I get to kick Stephen out of his study hahaha!