Thursday, 15 May 2008

Finally scanned!

Hello :) Here is Miss Flump at 20 weeks - I am currently 24 weeks and 3 days if I go by my expected due date of Sept 1st.

Just thought those of you who visit here, would like an update :o)

Yey - Finanlly here!!!

Hello there.

The stamps I ordered from arrived the other day, but I have yet to have a play around with them. I seem to have misplaced my watercolour paints since I last used them. Cant seem to find them anywhere. Might have to treat myself to some new ones. The stamps are Sunshine Hedge, Lazy Days, Rainin' Daisies, City Divine and Evening Glow... Oh and the Acrylic set Salutations which I will probably get to use before I have found my water colours as the set includes greetings :o)

Right best go, I have a pond pump that needs seeing to (YUK!!!).